Sharing Serenity
header Sharing Serenity Inc.

Board of Directors

Nicholas Cenzalli

After a lifetime on the waters surrounding Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Nick Cenzalli founded Sharing Serenity to offer opportunites to those whose ability to move unaided has been comproimised. After being diagnosed with Mulitple Sclerosis, Nick created options and alterations to his boat so that he could continue to both work and enjoy time on the water. After recognizing the emotional and psycological advantages of enjoying water activities, Nick was inspired to share his accomplishments so that others could benefit from his ideas.

Dr. Maria K. Houtchens, M.D.

Clinical Director at the Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center in Boston, Massachusetts

Daniel Colturi

Daniel Colturi, Esquire, of Falmouth, MA, is the corporate Secretary and Treasurer of Sharing Serenity. Mr. Colturi is a Massachusetts attorney and a Certified Public Accountant, with extensive experience with large and small businesses in both the non-profit and non-profit arenas.

Victor Temple

Victor Temple, CFO of The Black Gold Group, Victor has led all aspects of corporate financial operations. Prior to entering the Oil and Gas industry, Victor Temple was Co-Founder and CFO, and co- author of a patent for Get Sassie, Inc, an innovator of “sugar arts” (think high-end wedding cakes). In the decade before Y2K, Victor founded and operated as CFO, COO and eventually CEO VXI Corporation.

Victor’s leadership style can be recognized when you see him engaging with everyone, requesting opinions and insights to problems in the industry, and collaborating with any he meets, especially his fellow mates on the best way to solve today’s problems. You see him balance being gentle and empathetic with carrying a demand for greatness, and nothing less, when managing the people around him. He is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, holding a Bachelor of Science in Business and Zoology as well as a Master of Business Administration. Victor splits his time between Alaska, North Dakota and New England, and is blissfully married to his business savvy partner, Robin. .

Angel Cenzalli

Angela Cenzalli, MCLP, CSP, ASM, CMWC has over 20 years in the green industry. As a Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional, A Certified Snow Professional and Advanced Snow Manager, Angela launched B-Mentors Consulting & Wellness to help leaders grow through leadership coaching, training resources, personal growth and career mentorship. Additionally, Angela is a Certified Mental Wellness Coach and John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker. Angela presents throughout the US and Canada providing workshops and seminars in safety, operations, leadership and wellness. Angela also gives of her time and talents to her favorite local charities organizing events, fundraising and helping to provide opportunities to others in need.

Sharing Serenity